
Es werden Posts vom 2015 angezeigt.


You always reminded me of a summer day, A light breeze touching softly everything it passes. Laughter of children filling our ears until the darkness settles down. The sound of happiness, The melody of pure life. A day to remember, Memories kept in our hearts. You always reminded me of a summer day.

Torn heart

A torn heart in between burning bridges.  Harboring the deepest despair, Trapped between what is yet to come and what is supposed  to be. Standing at the edge of broken promises and a path full of unknowns.

Broken smile

To the outside I'm this cheerful girl On the inside I'm broken to a million pieces. I look happy all the time, being nice to everyone,  still a bit shy though.  I'm the girl next door. Well at least I seem to be. I'm smiley and friendly.  But no one sees the insecure me. The me that's fighting every minute of the day to accept herself and tries not to cry because she's ashamed of herself. No one sees the me that needs to be saved.  Because I'm the girl that cares about everyone. That will always help and be nice to you no matter what.  But when I go home I'm alone. No one's available who cares for me.  I'm the girl with the broken smile who will try everything to make you feel better. Because I know how it is to feel worthless. I know how it is to be on the bottom, fearing to look up to the stars. 


Everyone could see all these colors, the beautiful pictures, the melodies. They were able to see magic. While I was trying to convince myself that in all the darkness the shadows contained some beauty too. 

What's the point?

How would you know that I'm weaker than I've ever been before, when I yet seem to be so strong.  Fighting every second of my day against demons that hide inside of myself.  Loosing a bit more every step of the way. It's not easy to fight against yourself when fighting means winning and destroying yourself. Nobody knows what it feels to be so insecure that it makes you cry to even think about yourself. Constantly scared of having flaws. Constantly haunted by thoughts that someone might be thinking.  The more I try the less it's working. Every blush, every wrong word, every mistaken thing is a confirmation of my failure. Don't even look at me, it kills me a bit more. I'm scared to laugh, scared to talk .. Scared to live. What's the point in winning when your worst enemy is yourself. 

Let me'

Let me go back, Back, to a place where I belong. Let me go back, Back, in the space Where I can twinkle like a star.  Being all above you Looking over you and taking care. Feel me. With every touch of a raindrop Every contact with a snowflake. Every whisper of the wind And every sun ray on your face. I'll be there be there.  Let me go. Back, back to a place Where I will be me. Because I'm not happy here Nor will i ever be. Let me go back. Back, to the moon And the stars. Let me shine bright and show you the way. But let me go to a place where I belong.   


Üsi gsichtr Gsichtr agmaut wi linwänd Niemer weiss me wär mr si Odr wi mr würklech usgseh. Mir vrstecke üs, Hei angst vor dr würklechkeit. Eifach nume wüu mr dänke Mir sige nid gnue. Mir si aui glych. Sötte stouz uf üs si. Abr anstatt desse vrstecke mr üs Hingr obszönitäte und bunter Malerei. Niemer isch me wahr. U niemer isch fausch Ächt isch künstlech, Sy mr no z'rette?

Red lips

Because no matter what else is going to happen in your little life, honey You´ll always have to put that famous smile  on your red lips. wafting clouds of perfume all over our heads stereotypical  Unforgettable – as we may think  Life´s never been easy Life´ll never be easy.  but you – will always be easy.  cheap and dirty, contemning yourself. Show business has killed your beauty pure as it may have been. Too young to understand. Too old to decline´

I am. Or maybe I am not.

I´m the one in the corner I´ve always been the one in the corner. How shall we not struggle in this world full of pain, hate and judgment  I hate leaving my room  Because I can literally hear all the things they say about me Pretending to not hear anything.  And it kills me even more to smile when I´m bleeding inside When i´m just screaming inside. Trying to hide all these tears. And all I needed was just a single hug and somebody telling me to keep going. warmth is the answer to all this cold But how shall we find warmth in a world where nobody cares.  I´ve never seen so many people feeling bad about themselves Than today, and I can surely tell: We´re destroying ourselves.

The treasure of dying.

Darkness has spread all over the places. We feel lost in our thin skins Tears are ripping up like knives, Making us vulnerable. Drowning in an ocean of pain. Shattered in a thousand little pieces, Cutting through all our dreams Leaving us dead in hopeless places

normal or what's it called to be normal

sorry for not posting anything in such a long while I was just so totally busy and stressed out. today I want my post to be about this Video: First of all I think These guys are soo cute and i respect them so much because of what they're doing. This video is so emotional i just wanted to hug them when they started crying! But in second thought I was just thinking like why is it so hard to tell your parents who you actually are? We're living in 21th century and being gay or straight or bi or whatever shouldn't be something we should be worried about. Because it doesn't make us less worthy or less a "normal" person! It is just a piece of who we are! And in the end of the day These guys aren't the gay guys, they are just some normal guys. Love is love. we can't choose who we fall in love with. And no love is ever be able to be something ugly, because love is such a pure and amazing thing.