Broken smile

To the outside I'm this cheerful girl
On the inside I'm broken to a million pieces.

I look happy all the time, being nice to everyone,  still a bit shy though. 
I'm the girl next door. Well at least I seem to be. I'm smiley and friendly. 

But no one sees the insecure me. The me that's fighting every minute of the day to accept herself and tries not to cry because she's ashamed of herself. No one sees the me that needs to be saved. 

Because I'm the girl that cares about everyone. That will always help and be nice to you no matter what. 
But when I go home I'm alone. No one's available who cares for me. 

I'm the girl with the broken smile who will try everything to make you feel better. Because I know how it is to feel worthless. I know how it is to be on the bottom, fearing to look up to the stars. 


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