normal or what's it called to be normal

sorry for not posting anything in such a long while
I was just so totally busy and stressed out.
today I want my post to be about this Video:

First of all I think These guys are soo cute and i respect them so much because of what they're doing.
This video is so emotional i just wanted to hug them when they started crying!

But in second thought I was just thinking like why is it so hard to tell your parents who you actually are?
We're living in 21th century and being gay or straight or bi or whatever shouldn't be something we should be worried about. Because it doesn't make us less worthy or less a "normal" person!
It is just a piece of who we are!
And in the end of the day These guys aren't the gay guys, they are just some normal guys.
Love is love. we can't choose who we fall in love with.
And no love is ever be able to be something ugly, because love is such a pure and amazing thing.


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