Eating disorder

dear people

i know this is unlike my blog but i want to rise awareness to certain things in this post.
As a quick info - I'm currently working with a nutritionist because I want to teach kids in that matter.

A few things I've learned up to now are very important and unfortunately not widely spread around the world.
Many many bloggers these days post about intuitive eating and this is the greatest thing, you know why?
because you can trigger mental disorders such as depression with your diet.
Our body needs carbs to live. our brain needs carbs. our brain lives of monosaccharides. Because our brain produces hormones and everything we need if it has enough carbs.
And that's the clue - only if our body has enough carbs our brain is able to produce serotonin. Serotonin is our mood stabilizer. This Hormon is essentially what makes us feel happy.
Trust me i'm not making this up. I've seen cases where people were severely depressed and by simply changing their dietary habits and let carbs slowly back in they were able to recover.

And this is why intuitive eating is important. your body knows what it needs. that doesn't mean you should eat chocolate all day. because this is as bad as it gets. Our body needs vitamins and dietary fibers and all of these things to run smoothly.

So dear people who judge others based on their weight. who always call out bigger girls/guys online for being unhealthy. you can't judge if someone is healthy based on their weight.
I've seen the thinnest people eating shit all day because they could. they would train it off or have amazing genetics. But their are incredibly unhealthy. and i have seen many obese or at least chubby people desperately trying to eat healthy. an effort lots of people don't even make.

and dear husbands or partners who have told their other half that they're too big or they've gained weight. and trust me sometimes you don't even need to say anything. one feels that by the way they are treated. Have you ever thought about what could trigger your significant other to overeat ?
What makes them feel like they have to eat so much chocolate or other sweet stuff to make them feel happy for a short amount of time?
It sounds pretty bad if one puts it like that right?
Because it makes you have a part in this as well.
Yes that person is unhappy and calling her out on it by calling them fat or telling them to hit the treadmill is not gonna happen.
What needs to happen is mental support. A person needs to understand that they are deeply unhappy and that's why they eat unhealthily. If they eat too much or not enough. Both is based on a bad mental state. And they need help getting back to being healthy. it's a long journey.
Eating disorders are a terrible circle because you start eating a bit of chocolate and then a bite more and a bite more. The worse it gets the more you need and this won't just get better without effort.
Same with not eating enough. your body starts running on survival mode as soon as one starts to eat less and less. When a body does not get what it needs it will slowly start shutting down. and they won't loose weight as quickly as they want so they will eat even less.

So if you notice anyone having an eating disorder then try to figure out what's wrong and then help them instead of thinking they are dumb for doing this.
Raise awareness and raise happiness.  


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