Broken pieces

We're all broken in our own way.
we don't understand life, we're just trying.
one day at a time.
we're all broken by our experiences

day by day we're struggling
to get back together
we're trying to hold the emotions in.
Everyone's broken.

And now we're here hoping that love could heal us.
We're hoping that someone comes along
and heals us with their love
but how's that possible when that one person is broken too?

love might let you forget about you being broken
for a quick period of time.
But in the end of the day you're still broken
pretending like one person was able to heal you

But that's not true
because what once broke will always be broken
Scars always stay with you.

No love will be able to heal you
no love will be able to put you back together
Because once love fades you will find all of your pieces
still laying on the floor.

What love does is giving us strength
strength to keep on, to move on
To grow.
But it will never heal us.

so stop searching for love
that will heal you.
let love come to you when you're ready for it.
when you're ready to move on.

Learn that you will never be the person you once were
life is constantly moving.
what you've been a second ago
is over now.

Get going.
Start living a life with your broken pieces
because you being broken doesn't matter
Everyone's broken.


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