
today i read for the millionth time the book ADORKABLE.
and i freaking love it.
i guess i've never learned more about my own generation than into this book.
The whole story is wrapped into a lovestory, but it is so much more than just a lovestory!
Sarra Manning ( the author) shows us step by step how it is to be a teenager in the 21. century.
we've got facebook, twitter and all of this stuff. but we forget to live next to these whole internet stuff. our feelings and wishes get lost.

"Generation Y are everything you feared. They’re everything your worst nightmares conjured up. They’re lazy, apathetic, unoriginal, scared of innovation, scared of difference, just plain scared. They binge drink. The confuse sex for intimacy. They definitely couldn’t tell you the capital cities of more than five countries. And they really think that Justin Bieber is the Second Coming. Only fifty per cent of Generation Y own more than two books and, yes, they listen to music, but they download it from the internet because content is free, yo. Want, take, have is their battle cry. Ladies and gentlemen, this is my generation and my generation is royally screwed up.”  - Sarra Manning.

“People were so scared of telling the truth because the truth was chaotic and complicated and decidedly uncool, but uncool was the way I rolled. Or it would be if I used tired old phrases like 'That's the way I roll', which I so don't.”  -Sarra Manning.

to be completely honest:
ADROKABLE is my bible.
Every single one of the people on the earth should read it.should love it. should live it.

“But I had to admit that maybe the reason I'd had a meltdown wasn't just about the shower. I think the shower door was, like, a metaphor. It represented everything that was bad.”  - Sarra Manning.

i love metaphors - and i guess life's filled up with stuff like that.

i just can say : ADORKABLE is my religion. it's my babylove.


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